Monday, April 12, 2010

Early start for the hops

The hops vines got an early start this year, their fourth. They have gotten a slow start in life here in the relatively poor soil on the western slopes of the Blue Ridge Mountains, but this year looks good.

Their first year they piddled along and made about 10 cones. The second, maybe enough for a batch of beer. The third, enough for about three batches.

If you are growing hops, the one piece of advice I would give is: Cover each mound in a small pile of manure for the first winter. Of course, follow the other instructions for hops: well-drained soil, south-facing location, twine to climb on, pruning back to about four or five strong bines.

The top image is my Cascade vine; the lower one is Chinook. I also have a Crystal, which always lags behind the other two.

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